Benefactor Vorschlaghammer is available for purchase in GTA Online
A new week of bonuses and discounts has started in GTA Online, valid from August 1 to August 7 inclusive. The main novelty is the German sedan Benefactor Vorschlaghammer
A new GTA Online event starts on August 1 (available through August 7) with the release of the latest Benefactor, the Vorschlaghammer: a sedan engineered for drift tuning. Players can also earn double GTA$ and RP in Drift Races and Issi Classic Races, and triple GTA$ in Taxi Work.
Thanks to the overwhelming success of the Pizza Delivery Community Challenge, every participant will receive the exclusive "Pizza This... Tee" at the log in.
Benefactor Vorschlaghammer available for all Players
Pizza This... Tee
Weekly Challenge
Participate in six Drift Races to receive GTA$100,000 and the Rockstar Helmet
Discounts (40% Off)
Överflöd Tyrant
Western Annihilator
Discounts (30% Off)
Bravado Hotring Hellfire
Dinka Kanjo SJ
Dinka Postlude
Übermacht Rhinehart
Western Reever
Gun Van Primary Discounts
50% OFF: Stun Gun
30% OFF GTA+ Members: Rail Gun
Salvage Yard Robberies
The McTony Robbery: Enus Deity (Top Tier)
The Gangbanger Robbery: Ocelot Jugular (Standard Tier)
The Cargo Ship Robbery: BF Weevil (Low Tier)
Free Vehicles
The Lucky Wheel Podium Vehicle: Pegassi Zentorno
LS Car Meet Prize Ride: Ocelot Ardent - Place Top 5 in the LS Car Meet Series for four days in a row
Showrooms & Test Rides
Premium Deluxe Motorsport: Benefactor Streiter, BF Raptor, Declasse Tornado Rat Rod, Dewbauchee Seven-70 & Dinka Enduro
Luxury Autos: Benefactor Vorschlaghammer & Übermacht Niobe
Test Track: Karin Previon in the Stance Andreas Drift Team Livery, Pfister Comet S2 in the Rock N' Roll Legends Livery & Pfister Growler in the Tracked Camo Livery - Premium Test Ride (HSW): Bravado Banshee
Premium Race & Trials
Premium Race: Cutting Coroners
Time Trial: Elysian Island II
HSW Time Trial: Pacific Bluffs to Mount Gordo
This month's GTA+ bonuses
August is the last month for GTA+ Members to get an additional GTA$1,000,000 bonus automatically deposited alongside the standard GTA$500,000 into their Maze Bank account.
Free Benefactor Vorschlaghammer (Sedan)
Free Drift Tuning Upgrade for the Vorschlaghammer at the LS Car Meet
Bonuses on Nightclub Management and Casino Story Missions
Free Cobalt Jackal Racing Jersey and Pants and The Diamond Jackpot Tee
And More…